Study plan
The study plans are differentiated per curriculum. the following scheme is related to the academic year 2018/2019. Deviations from the scheme might be allowed, especially for international students. The courses with the letter (B) are compulsory. Please contact the delegate of each curriculum for further information.
Curriculum Astrophysics - delegate: prof. Luca Del Zanna
Course type |
Course name |
Theoretical Physics (B) Nuclear and subnuclear physics (B) One course chosen among the following ones: Atoms, molecules and photons (B) Solid state physics (B) Astrophysics Relativistic astrophysics (B) Cosmology (B) Plasma physics One course chosen among the following ones: Astrophysics laboratory Numerical methods for astrophysics |
6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 |
48 |
Integrative |
Three courses of choice from the table at the bottom |
18 |
Free choice |
Any course offered by the University of Florence, including the ones listed in this page |
12 |
Stage |
6 |
Master thesis |
36 |
Total |
120 |
Curriculum Physics of Matter – delegate: prof. Leonardo Fallani
Course type |
Course name |
Theoretical Physics (B) Nuclear and subnuclear physics (B) Atoms, molecules and photons (B) Solid state physics (B) One course chosen among the following ones: Relativistic astrphysics (B) Cosmology (B) One course chosen among the following ones: Ultracold atoms Photonics Quantum theory of solids Two courses chosen among the following ones: Laboratory of atomic physics Laboratory of computational physics Laboratory of physics of liquids Laboratory of solid state and photonics |
6 6 6 6
6 6
6 6 6
6 6 6 6 |
48 |
Integrative |
Three courses of choice from the table at the bottom |
18 |
Free choice |
Any course offered by the University of Florence, including the ones listed in this page |
12 |
Stage |
6 |
Master thesis |
36 |
Total |
120 |
Curriculum Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics – delegate: prof. Piergiulio Lenzi
Course type |
Course name |
Theoretical Physics (B) One course chosen among the following ones: Atoms, molecules and photons (B) Solid state physics (B) One course chosen among the following ones: Relativistic astrophysics (B) Cosmology (B) Nuclear and subnuclear physics (B) Fusion, fission and nuclear reactions Physics of elementary particles Nuclear-subnuclear laboratory I Nuclear-subnuclear laboratory II |
6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 |
48 |
Integrative |
Three courses of choice from the table at the bottom |
18 |
Free choice |
Any course offered by the University of Florence, including the ones listed in this page |
12 |
Stage |
6 |
Master thesis |
36 |
Total |
120 |
Curriculum Theoretical Physics - delegate: prof. Aldo Cotrone
Course type |
Course name |
Theoretical Physics (B) Nuclear and subnuclear physics (B) One course chosen among the following ones: Atoms, molecules and photons (B) Solid state physics (B) One course chosen among the following ones: Relativistic astrophysics (B) Cosmology (B) Four courses chosen among the following ones: Non-equilibrium statistical physics Statistical mechanics Numerical methods for theoretical physics Quantum field theory I Theory of dynamical systems Relativity |
6 6
6 6
6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 |
48 |
Integrative |
Three courses of choice from the table at the bottom |
18 |
Free choice |
Any course offered by the University of Florence, including the ones listed in this page |
12 |
Stage |
6 |
Master thesis |
36 |
Total |
120 |
Integrative courses |
Analisi dati in fisica subnucleare |
6 |
Astrobiologia |
6 |
Astrofisica delle alte energie |
6 |
Biofisica molecolare e cellulare |
6 |
Complementi di astronomia |
6 |
Complementi di fisica subnucleare |
6 |
Cosmologia II |
6 |
Didattica della fisica |
6 |
Fisica dei semiconduttori: teoria e applicazioni |
6 |
Elementi di gravità quantistica |
6 |
Elettronica generale I |
6 |
Elettronica generale II |
6 |
Elettronica quantistica |
6 |
Fisica applicata all’ambiente e ai beni culturali |
6 |
Fisica con fasci radioattivi |
6 |
Fisica dei liquidi e soft matter |
6 |
Fisica dei sistemi complessi |
6 |
Fisica del mezzo interstellare |
6 |
Fisica dell’atmosfera |
6 |
Fisica della materia condensata e fenomeni critici |
6 |
Fisica delle alte energie |
6 |
Fisica delle galassie |
6 |
Fisica medica |
6 |
Fisica solare e dello spazio interplanetario |
6 |
Gas quantistici |
6 |
Informazione quantistica |
6 |
Introduzione alla teoria della relatività |
6 |
Laboratorio di elettronica |
6 |
Laser e applicazioni |
6 |
Metodi sperimentale di fisica subnucleare |
6 |
Metodi sperimentali di fisica nucleare |
6 |
Ottica |
6 |
Microscopia avanzata |
6 |
Ottica quantistica |
6 |
Ottiche adattive per l’astrofisica |
6 |
Paradossi quantistici |
6 |
Particelle elementari e applicazioni |
6 |
Progettazione di strumentazione ottica |
6 |
Raggi cosmici |
6 |
Scienza e tecnologia della luce |
6 |
Sistemi di acquisizione dati |
6 |
Sistemi relativistici |
6 |
Storia della chimica e della fisica |
6 |
Tecniche di analisi con fasci di ioni |
6 |
Tecniche di rivelatori per radiazioni ionizzanti |
6 |
Introduzione alle tecnologie quantistiche |
6 |
Tecnologie spaziali |
6 |
Teoria dei campi avanzata |
6 |
Teoria dei campi II |
6 |
Teoria dei sistemi a molti corpi |
6 |
Teoria delle particelle elementari |
6 |
Teorie dell’universo primordiale |
6 |
Topologia differenziale |
6 |